The weather just keeps getting a bit warmer by the day, and since I had to work most of it, I knew I had to get out for at least a short while in the evening. That's just what I did. I grabbed my X-Pro2 and 35mm 1.4 lens and took a stroll through County Park. It only ended be being about a 30 minute walk, but I came away with some decent photos.
I'm noticing more and more that anytime I see a playground outside I am always drawn to it. Of course, when there aren't children around. I think it's the bright contrasty colours of a lot of the outdoor playgrounds these days. I remember growing up, all we had was a tire on a chain and maybe a slide mounted on hard pavement. Kids definitely have it much better then I did.
Once I made my way through the park I ended up in the County Fair Mall parking lot. There is still a lot of dirty melting snow everywhere so I tried to focus on the details instead, getting in nice and close. One of my favourite spots in this specific parking lot is the old Canadian Tire which has been closed for many many years. I always have fond memories of biking all the way up to County Fair when I was a kid just to buy tennis balls. I'm not sure why I remember that, but I do. Meanwhile, I can't remember what I ate for breakfast 2 days ago. Go figure.
I didn't take as much time as I usually do during the walk to take photos. I'm still, somehow getting over a month long (and going) cold so I didn't want to spend too much time outside. The walk did allow me to get my fix of photography in for the day. Perhaps, tomorrow I'll feel better.
Thanks for stopping by!